Today we learned about Nero. In researching him, I realized that in order to understand Nero, we would have to backtrack and also study his mother, Agrippina the Younger, who was a sister of Caligula.
37 AD – 68 AD
- Given name Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
- Son of Agrippina the Younger, sister of Caligula
Agrippina the Younger
15 AD – 59 AD
- When Nero 2 she was exiled for the part she played in a conspiracy against Caligula.
- Returned several years later when Nero was 4.
- After poisoning her second husband she married her uncle, the Emperor Claudius and had him adopt Nero and place him as heir to the throne (ahead of his own son.)
- She arranged the marriage of Octavia, daughter of Claudius, and Nero
- Generally suspected of killing Claudius (poisoned mushrooms and a feather dipped in poison.)

- Became Emperor at 17, with Agrippina as his regent for the first few years of his reign
Did Some Good
- Ordered the end of secret trials
- Accorded more independence to the Senate
- Forbade contests in the circus involving bloodshed
- Reduced taxed
- Allowed permission for slaves to bring civil complaints against unjust masters
- Inaugurated competitions in poetry, in the theater, and in athletics as alternatives to the gladiator combats
Realized He Could Do Whatever He Wanted – He Was the Emperor
- Poisoned Brittanicus so he couldn’t become more powerful or popular
- He fell in love with Poppaea (married)
- Attempted to kill his mother – rigged her boat so that it sank while sailing across the bay after a party. She had her maid pretend to be her, and was rescued by a fishing ship. Was later stabbed in her villa – Nero claimed she was guilty of treason and her death was a matter of public safety
- Had Octavia exiled and eventually killed
- Regularly performed on stage (beneath his position as Emperor) even as a slave and a pregnant woman
- Had political and personal rivals killed

Great Fire of Rome
- Could not have started the great fire (64AD – burnt for 10 days and destroyed 75% of the city) but took advantage of its destruction to build an enormous palace, the Golden House, patterned after Greek design, and a 100 ft tall statue of himself. It would have covered ⅓ of Rome.
- Played lyre while Rome burned??
- Blamed Christians for the fire, which started persecution and torture. Responsible for the death of Peter.

Sentenced to Death
- Was declared a public enemy and sentenced to death on the cross.
- Tried to flee, couldn’t, took his own life.
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