How Much Time Should I Be Spending on School

  • Erika 

Question: How long should school be each day?
Answer: Great question! It depends…

Question: How long should I spend on each subject each day?
Answer: Great question! It depends…

One of the main goals of homeschooling shouldn’t be a time mark to hit, but rather to guide and motivate your children so that they develop a love of learning.

Keeping Track of What Has Been Done

I have included several of the ways we have kept track of what we need to get done each day and for how long. I have found that the simpler it is, the better, but you will find what works best for you and your family.

These are check off lists that we put in a sheet protector or the front of a 3 ring binder with a clear cover. You can use a dry erase marker on either of those and then wipe it off.

This is a daily sheet. I have included a downloadable file so you can set it up for your kids.

This is a weekly sheet. We had a co-op on Mondays, so that day is “crossed off” for my kids.

My middle schooler was doing several independent study online classes at the time and this is how we kept track of what she needed to do each day. In my opinion, getting this specific with littler ones just becomes a frustration, and is more helpful with older kids.

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